
concert pitch 【音樂】合奏調,較高音調;較高效能。


Jens lehmann is confident that germany will be at concert pitch for the start of the world cup finals . germany stuttered to a 2 - 2 draw with japan on tuesday , with the home defence ripped to shreds on numerous occasions 雖然德國隊在30日同日本隊的熱身賽中比較狼狽地以2 : 2同對手握手言和,但效力于阿森納隊的德國1號門將萊曼仍然對德國隊在世界杯上的前途充滿信心。

Concert pitch is an internationally agreed standard pitch with the a above middle c at 440 vibrations per second , but there have been divergences from this 音樂會音高是國際通用的標準音高,為高于中c的a音,每秒振動440次,但也存在分歧。

He was keyed up to concert pitch , and there was never a moment in the long day when he was not fighting for moments 他干勁十足,標準很高。在漫長的一天里他每分鐘都在為節約時間而奮斗。

Modern musical instruments , transposition , concert pitch and best sounding range -中國吉他娃,網絡學吉他,吉他資源一網打盡

She has keyed the piano up to concert pitch 她已經把鋼琴的音調升到音樂會的音高標準。